Top 9 Android Apps That Can Be Used For Ethical Hacking


  1. Wifi WPS WPA Tester: This app can be used to test the security of WiFi networks and identify possible vulnerabilities.

  2. Nmap: This is a network mapping tool that can be used to scan networks and identify open ports, services, and devices.

  3. Network Scanner: This app can be used to scan networks and discover devices, as well as view their network information.

  4. AndroDumpper: This app can be used to hack into WiFi networks that use WPS protocol.

  5. WiFi Kill: This app can be used to disable the internet connection of other devices on the same WiFi network.

  6. WiFi Inspector: This app can be used to scan WiFi networks for security vulnerabilities and view connected devices.

  7. zANTI: This app can be used to perform network penetration testing and security assessments.

  8. cSploit: This app can be used to perform network penetration testing and discover vulnerabilities.

  9. Fing: This app can be used to scan networks and discover devices, as well as view their network information.

It's important to note that these apps should only be used for ethical purposes and with the appropriate permissions. Hacking into someone else's network without their consent is illegal and can result in serious consequences.



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